Legal support for businesses and private clients in a wide range of fields
The firm has many years of experience in providing comprehensive legal support for large companies and individuals.
We can act as a consultant to a client's legal department or replace the company's legal department entirely.
Representing the client before state authorities
Support in tendering procedures, assistance with administrative inspections and commissions, obtaining building permits and licenses
Analysis of the client's financial and business activity
Preventing, detecting and eliminating administrative and tax risks
Drafting of the company's internal regulations
Drawing up instructions, charters, regulations, orders and directives
Building contractual relations
Drafting and preparing agreements and other related documents, carrying out legal due diligence of agreements, and conducting negotiations with counterparties
Advising clients during tax audits, preparing objections to audit reports, and appealing against decisions of tax authorities in the arbitration court
Advising the client
Providing assistance on any issues pertaining to financial and economic activities
Selected projects
For several years, Ivo Helory law firm has provided legal support to a major Russian architectural firm. Our tasks have included legal due diligence of contracts for the development of design documents, designer supervision, drafting statements of disagreement, conducting negotiations, and handling claims.
For many years, the firm has been advising the legal department and owner of Russia's largest producer and vendor of its own brand of talcum powder, widely used in the food, paint, rubber, and paper industries.
Most of our clients have in-house legal departments, with whom our lawyers share their experience in handling complex transactions and resolving a variety of conflict situations. We successfully cooperate with in-house lawyers and supplement their expertise by providing advice on all matters of interest to our clients.
Ivo Helory Law Offices OGRN: 1177700002523 INN: 9705087455 16 Letnikovskaya St., 10th floor, Moscow 115114